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Messages - ducky_worshiper

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Free Talk / Re: The Chat Thread
« on: June 25, 2012, 10:51:24 am »
Ahhh like a PCA.  What do you do now/have you done in the past?

(Sorry I ask because I work in social work, although it's with people with severe and persistent mental illness) so I tend to be interested in other things related to that field)

Free Talk / Re: The Chat Thread
« on: June 25, 2012, 10:43:02 am »
Not to sound stupid but what's a care opportunity? Also good luck!

Oh I've actually read the forum religiously for almost 3 years now, and been registered for almost a year.  I'm just shy I suppose >.>

Anyway, uh, hi I guess?

@Smiles - yeah I love having bright colored/cute comfy pants to wear around the house because I always have to dress pretty nice for work (my roommate jokes that I start getting undressed the second I open the door to the apartment).

Wearing a Dr Seuss t-shirt (one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish!) and grey shorts.

Every time I read some of these threads it makes me jealous of how long you all have known each other (and makes me wanna be part of the community) and then I read more and think I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too shy about sex to belong on this forum, lol.

Oh and just so I fit in - wearing a black t-shirt and bright pink, fuzzy Betty Boop pants (my mom makes me the absolute best pajama pants every year for Christmas).

Edited for word choice.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: March 29, 2012, 12:34:46 am »
She based her whole life around her vision of who he was and now it's being shattered around her.  

She based her entire life around what she assumed someone was like.  Now she's learning that he's an actual person and not this crazy ideal she's built up.  It's her own fault for building up someone she doesn't know at all into this paragon of what she wants to be.

Well you certainly are a negative person. I'm sure you at one point had someone that you looked up to. Someone you thought was perfect or as close to perfect as a human being could get.  You were probably lucky enough to see enough on this person either in the news or in your life that you eventually realized slowly that this person was not the perfect figure you once thought he was but put yourself in Bern's shoes where she had someone like that only instead of being able to slowly realize that he was not the person she thought he was it was all dropped on her all at once.  I think you'd be more than just a little upset yourself.

I'm getting really frustrated at people acting like I ever said this was an inappropriate or unrealistic response.  Does the response make sense from Bern's perspective? Yes of course it does.  Do I think she should be an adult and accept the fact that maybe her 5 year old (or whatever age) vision of a person was incorrect?  Someone who clearly was already a person who visited brothels and whatnot since he, y'know, had a child with a woman who worked at a brothel (probably).

So to sum up the same thing I've said in however many posts... yes, this is a realistic response, but it is still a frustrating response and a childish response.  Bern needs to grow up and accept that people aren't perfect.

Edit to add the following:

First, you probably shouldn't make sweeping assumptions about the lives of people you've never met or even talked to.  Second, I think it's untrue to call me a "negative person" because I believe Bern should accept her father for who he is and not for who she wants him to be.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: March 28, 2012, 02:21:53 pm »
He clearly liked whores from the beginning since Bern's mother was from a brothel...  This might not necessarily be some huge personality change.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:23:06 am »
For clarification, just because her reaction upsets or annoys me doesn't mean I think it should have been written differently.  This is definitely how I can see someone reacting in real life, and I'd get just as annoyed with someone in real life for expecting someone they've never really met to live up to some idealistic standard in their head.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: March 26, 2012, 09:28:24 pm »
She based her whole life around her vision of who he was and now it's being shattered around her. 

She based her entire life around what she assumed someone was like.  Now she's learning that he's an actual person and not this crazy ideal she's built up.  It's her own fault for building up someone she doesn't know at all into this paragon of what she wants to be.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: March 26, 2012, 02:42:49 pm »
Bern's reaction here really bothers me.  Who is she to demand that her father do something or act a certain way.  She "thought the swords were important"?  She was handed them by some old guy who had just helped get her kicked out of the Knights and told "oh yeah that guy who gave you some training tons of years ago was your dad and has the matching sword."  She's reading a LOT into this situation and is, frankly, behaving like a child.  She had some ideal in her head of what she thought her father would be like and now that he's an actual person with his own troubles and life, she's upset that he didn't fit neatly into the way she expected him to be.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: March 16, 2012, 12:03:43 pm »
Can Melter track portals? Because if not, he/she is going to be waiting a long time at the mage city.

I thought it was only an hour?

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:24:43 pm »
Memory wiped?  Or something else?

Well, to be totally fair, we can't 100% guarantee that this guy is Grant Lashoar.  We also don't know for sure that Grant is Bernadette's father.  All she's going on is the statement of a guy who claims he used to know Grant.  It's also totally possible that her father got her mother pregnant and the mother didn't tell him.  He might know who Bernadette is but not realize he's her father.

Flipside Discussion / Re: The Criticism Thread
« on: February 23, 2012, 04:13:03 am »
Oh definitely.  And like I said, I'm not trying to be argumentative or even to imply that the world you've created thus far is insufficient or lacking or doesn't draw in the reader.  I'm just saying that it'd be nice to see occasional glimpses that there really is a world behind them and not just a bunch of scenery for their adventures.

Flipside Discussion / Re: The Criticism Thread
« on: February 22, 2012, 01:06:08 am »
And even if I did draw a bunny, it would just be a background element. 

I'm not trying to sound argumentative, but those are the sort of background elements that draw people into the world and make the setting feel like an actual world and not just a few things hastily drawn to prop up the only 5 people who matter/exist. 

Flipside Discussion / Re: The Criticism Thread
« on: February 21, 2012, 10:59:19 am »
How about just, like, wildlife?  I mean Bern rode her horse for weeks through the land and there wasn't even a cameo by like, a bunny or anything.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: February 06, 2012, 12:47:13 pm »
I'm curious as to how Bern will explain away Polly.  The point of the rings and portals was for May to be with Bern when she meets her father for the first time.  So either Bern will have to have an explanation for who Polly is; she'll have to hide Polly; or she'll have to not tell May that she's meeting her father for the first time and perhaps bring her along for another meeting.  Any of the solutions could have interesting implications for the plot.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: January 24, 2012, 04:22:57 pm »
I actually think her "ability" to be like *close eyes real hard, ok, new personality!* is pretty damning.  If it was really "natural" and not being faked then I would be surprised if she could switch that easily without real provocation.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: December 15, 2011, 07:55:12 pm »
Hmph. Who IS the pessimist that thinks Maytag won't go any farther?  ??? Jerk...  >:(

I'm getting a more ominous vibe, like he's gonna do something to remove her from contention because she is a threat to him.

He's one of the organizers.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: December 12, 2011, 06:11:57 pm »

It's really reassuring, actually, to know that you are at least aware that it's something to keep in the back of your mind.  I'm the worst person ever at trying to guess what's coming, so I am going to trust that you have a way to work it out without it seeming extraordinarily unreasonable.  I hope you didn't think that the criticisms were too harsh, and I totally have loved this comic since I found it.  I don't think I, or anyone, truly expected you to have some hilarious set for Maytag.  Like I said, I'm just thankful that you are a strong enough writer that you are able to acknowledge what your limitations are and to find ways to compensate for them in the story world (ie, letting her 'cheat' at the competition).  I look forward to seeing how you tie this up.

Thank you so much for this story you've posted online for us all to read.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: December 11, 2011, 04:05:18 pm »
I don't know if all the acts are jokes (and I know a lot of people have used the defense of "it's an entertainment competition not a comedy competition," but Maytag is a *jester* whose acts have always been about making people laugh), but either way, an hour of hearing her life story would make me want pretty much anyone else on stage. 

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 31: Discussion
« on: December 10, 2011, 10:13:43 am »
... Wow, I'm almost surprised the audience laughed at that last part. I know I'd be hard pressed to laugh after hearing over 30 min of someone's life story.

Maybe the other performers are REALLY bad? =/

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter A: Discussion
« on: November 14, 2011, 03:47:53 pm »
@Ducky. Try reading that list of negative symptoms again. She's showing most if not all of them in this chapter.

On the current page she's specifically stating "I will try to go make friends then" in a seemingly flat tone with an expressionless face.

Like I said, I can give you the flat affect... but the rest?

lack of emotion - the inability to enjoy regular activities (visiting with friends, etc.) as much as before

I've seen no evidence whatsoever that she does not get enjoyment out of her life or the activities in which she chooses to partake.  Yes, she does not enjoy the activities her mother would like her to enjoy, but there's no evidence that she doesn't enjoy the activities she does. 

Low energy - the person tends to sit around and sleep much more than normal

Again, no evidence of this.  When have we been shown that she is lethargic?

lack of interest in life, low motivation

She is so interested in life that she wants to discuss the meaning of life with her mother.

Alogia (difficulty or inability to speak)

She seems perfectly capable of having rational thoughts and communicating those thoughts through speech.

Inappropriate social skills or lack of interest or ability to socialize with other people

You could maybe argue this one, but it seems less like she doesn't want to, or is unable to, socialize with people and more that she might be a little shy or (as stated in the most recent comic) she doesn't feel she has anything in common with other children.

Inability to make friends or keep friends, or not caring to have friends

See above.

Social isolation - person spends most of the day alone or only with close family

She doesn't spend all day isolated.  She goes to school.

I could see arguing for maybe 2 of the negative symptoms, but even then she is not meeting the criteria for a schizophrenia diagnosis.  The negative symptoms alone are not enough, she would have to have at least one of the positive symptoms in conjunction with the negative ones.  Additionally, I feel it is more likely that she is simply socially awkward or has something else going on, or that she just doesn't know how to relate to people, rather than being schizophrenic as there is absolutely zero evidence for any negative or positive symptoms in adult maytag.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter A: Discussion
« on: November 08, 2011, 06:11:58 pm »
Yeah, really not sure where the heck you came up with a schizophrenia diagnosis.  

The DSM IV(the current version) states the following criteria for Schizophrenia:

A. Characteristic Symptoms:
Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month
1. Delusions
2. Hallucinations
3. Disorganized speech
4. Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
5. Negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening, alogia, or avolition
B. Social / Occupational Dysfunction:
For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, one or more major areas of
functioning such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care are markedly below the level
achieved prior to the onset.
C. Duration:
Continuous signs of the disturbance persist for at least 6 months. This 6-month period must
include at least 1 month of symptoms that meet Criterion A and may include periods of prodromal
or residual symptoms.
D. Schizoaffective and Mood Disorder Exclusion:
Schizoaffective Disorder and Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features have been ruled out
because either (1) no Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episodes have occurred concurrently
with the active-phase symptoms; or (2) if mood episodes have occurred during active-phase
symptoms, their total duration has been brief relative to the duration of the active and residual
E. Substance / General Medical Condition Exclusion:
The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical

The list of negative symptoms includes:

lack of emotion - the inability to enjoy regular activities (visiting with friends, etc.) as much as before
Low energy - the person tends to sit around and sleep much more than normal
lack of interest in life, low motivation
Affective flattening - a blank, blunted facial expression or less lively facial movements, flat voice (lack of normal intonations and variance) or physical movements.
Alogia (difficulty or inability to speak)
Inappropriate social skills or lack of interest or ability to socialize with other people
Inability to make friends or keep friends, or not caring to have friends
Social isolation - person spends most of the day alone or only with close family

She has absolutely no evidence of any hallucinations, disorganized speech or behaviors, or delusions as far as we've seen in the comic.  The *closest* you might be able to argue is a flattened affect based off of "inhumanly calm," and "rarely smiled."  The rest are pretty firmly trounced by her personality throughout the comic.

So basically, tl;dr - there's no way she's schizophrenic based on evidence presented thus far in the comic.

Edit - spelling.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 30: Discussion
« on: November 04, 2011, 08:00:05 am »
When was it ever dangerous to others?

I would say chapter 2 page 43 and onwards.  Although it would be more interesting if she didn't take initiative without her costume because she really didn't care about Crest getting punched and Orransong getting stabbed.  But that doesn't seem in character for what we've learned of Maytag, the girl who can rescue anybody from any situation at the mere cost of her own health, either.

This scene is the one that pops immediately to mind; however, I'd honestly have to reread the archives to answer this (something I won't have time to do until my weekend).

That being said, the guy in the last panel claiming "Good show!" bothers me.  Maybe, *maybe*, for someone who has already shown interest in, and has a history with, Maytag it could be somewhat interesting (as it is for the readers), but looking at it objectively...  If I were some random person who went to a bar/club/whatever to see an entertainer contest, this just wouldn't be entertaining.  I agree that the rules never said "funny" specifically, but I would just be sitting there going "um, wtf just happened? This is stupid/weird..."  I'm really confused as to how she intends to win based off of "Teehee strangers I like to pretend I'm shy so people like me ^_^"

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 30: Discussion
« on: November 03, 2011, 06:26:20 am »
Yeah... I have to admit that "I have been portraying 2 completely different personalities, whether or not it made sense or was dangerous for myself or others at the time, for several years cuz OHMIGAWSH I WANT PEOPLE TO LIKE ME" is stretching it a bit far for me =/

May's becoming less and less interesting, which is sad to me because originally she and Bern (and their relationship) was why I started reading this comic years ago because I was interested to see how the nuances of their personalities would be handled.  

Edit - Also wanted to say that either way I'm holding out hope because, to be fair, there were other points in the story that frustrated me but ultimately came to ok conclusions, so I keep hoping that Brion will salvage this in a way that I have yet to think of.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 30: Discussion
« on: October 24, 2011, 05:33:37 pm »
Maytag confident on stage without costume. Could it be that on stage the stage is her costume? Or replaces it.

I was thinking something similar.  That she's confident on stage, and her costume helps her feel like she's on stage so that's why it gives her confidence off stage.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 30: Discussion
« on: October 13, 2011, 03:36:58 pm »
Ok, Maytag was just disrobed against her will obviously BY SORCERY and the judges are considering disqualifying HER?!? What kind of bias is that? :o

Just because the disrobing was obviously done via sorcery doesn't mean that they would automatically know it was against her will, even if she seems surprised.  Until they speak with her (and fortunately the last guy did say that they need to hear her out) they have no way to know whether it was a stunt done by her to get more attention or a cruelty committed by someone else against her will.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 30: Discussion
« on: October 10, 2011, 12:00:35 pm »
"She will never forgive us."

I don't understand what made them think she would have forgiven them if it had happened before she went on stage, had she found out they were responsible.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 30: Discussion
« on: October 05, 2011, 02:21:37 pm »
They've done it now! Maytag is only more funny and more naughty when she's half dressed but still has her hat on!

The hat appears to be disintegrating at the same rate as the rest of the comic if you look at the last panels.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Mistake Thread
« on: September 30, 2011, 12:15:08 pm »
On today's page (Ch 30, Pg 47) Crest asks "Did we make it?" and the response is "No, you have perfect timing." 

That response doesn't seem to fit the question.  Should he be asking "did we miss it?" or else maybe the answer should be "yes' rather than "no."

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 30: Discussion
« on: September 17, 2011, 02:05:27 pm »
Honestly, I'll be really sad if Bernadette does give in.  I'm 100% supportive of people having alternative views of love and relationships, but I'd hate to have Bernadette's particular view portrayed as "wrong" whereas Maytag's idea of polyamory is "right," and seeing Bernadette giving up what she believes in so strongly just seems wrong to me.  (I'm not saying this has happened at all; I think Flipside has done a great job of showing the ups and downs of multiple views without painting any particular one as right or wrong). 

I'm really hoping that Bernadette and Maytag are either able to find a way to work out their issues without either one of them having to really give up the values they hold, or else they will be forced to break up.

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