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Messages - Azure Priest

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Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 14, 2015, 05:56:56 am »
Polly better have some damn good plan up her sleeve because making this an auction doesn't help either of them. Neither does "listen to me carefully. Don't fight me on this."

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:44:56 am »
Polly, your "help" is only making things worse. STOP HELPING! NOW!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:40:58 am »
...Ugh. I just have no words for how utterly depraved this has all become.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 31, 2014, 06:23:27 am »
"The price for you is ten!" TEN WHAT?! This is just ridiculous! Bern... really, prison is NOT the place to be a pacifist. Polly's been babysitting you since you got into the country. You're a grown woman, for pete's sake.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 18, 2014, 05:53:17 am »
Polly. I know you're upset, but don't go there, just don't.

It won't help anybody. Not in the slightest.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 16, 2014, 05:56:38 am »
Poly's forgetting that she's already an A rank. This "deal" is for an A-rank-up test.

Warden has a really twisted view of what a warrior is. A warrior fights when he HAS to.

Someone who fights only because he ENJOYS IT is not a warrior, but a sadistic thug.
No offence but a warrior should be able to fight for herself especially in such situation when an alternative to it is to literally and intentionally hurting herself, mind or body alike, hurting Polly and also May feelings with A-B choices.

I really, really didn't expect for Bern to turn into such a weak willed person, I'm disappointed.

Perhaps I mistyped. Fighting for yourself is ok. Beating up a helpless individual who can't fight back is not. There is nothing "warrior" about lashing a guy to death who is neither a threat to you nor has done you wrong.

Now lashing a guy to death who is stark raving mad, foaming at the mouth, straining at his bonds, howling, snarling, and pounding on his cage like a wild beast, breaking the bars with a rather long rap sheet... that's a different story. Still nothing "warrior" about that though.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 12, 2014, 07:37:06 am »
Poly's forgetting that she's already an A rank. This "deal" is for an A-rank-up test.

Warden has a really twisted view of what a warrior is. A warrior fights when he HAS to.

Someone who fights only because he ENJOYS IT is not a warrior, but a sadistic thug.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 11, 2014, 08:08:30 am »
The warden's mistaken.  Bern certainly wasn't a pacifist when she made those people save her dad...  8)

Actually, that healer had guards who drew steel on Bern first, and that's AFTER breaking her word that Bern had, if memory serves, 15 minutes to gather the needed funds, and then literally throwing her father in garbage after less than five.

Furthermore, the healer's father, after whining about how his business would be hurt after "giving in to a sob story" should have been informed on what happens when word gets out about the healer literally throwing patients in the trash, not being honest with clients, and having guards drawing steel on clients when they complain about being mistreated. Heck, Bern should have gotten a free healing out of that on the promise that word would NOT get out. "Right to be an asshole or not" those two may have gotten Bern into the dungeon, but they have done far more damage to their business than Bern, or her father's sob story, ever could. Really, if you have a choice, would you go to a doctor who treats you that way?

Sadly, the warden is correct. Bern's been a pacifist the whole time she was in the arena.

The official ranking test, Bern flat out refused to participate.

The first match... granted Poly took out their opposition too fast for Bern to actually do anything, but still.

Her second match, she stood back and let the other two "team-mates" do all the fighting.

The only time she fought was when the Warden attacked her, and that was self-defense. Even pacifists can defend themselves when cornered.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:59:13 am »
She outright refused "C" despite knowing that it's some suicidal idiot who wants to be lashed to death.

So it's either "A" or "B." She already chose "B" once already, but, unless the rollover pic is a lie, or she gets the eye healed in the near future, that seems out too...

Not looking forward to seeing "A" in action, to be honest.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 06, 2014, 10:30:10 pm »
Poly didn't choose lashing. Bern's father, on the other hand, might have, especially if he was desperate and got into a bit of a tiff with the guards when he tried to have Bern's new sword delivered to her.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 05, 2014, 06:56:53 am »
AND doing exactly that is what got Bern into this mess in the first place, remember?

Eh.. that's not really in the same context.  And no it was acting to save her father's life that got her into this situation.  Weather she chooses one of their options or refuses them does not change her state from its current predicament.

However, three on one... could be tough but her 'obvious' handicap of one eye could also be turned to an advantage by a willy warrior. 

You know your opponents will see your side without sight as a opening.  Well~ use that to lure them into coming at you where you are paying the most attention feinting inattentiveness to draw them in and strike at their lowered defenses!  It will be hard.. but a very skillful and cunning warrior will find ways to capitalize on the obvious...

That coupled with some unexpected aggressiveness she could down one opponent before her foes realize she has been sandbagging all this time!  Remember they ALL think she is weak and timid! 

I would Focus on one foe immediately.. {preferrably the one most confident opponent} and striking that one down with unexpected ferocity will surprise them and hopefully stymie the remaining two's cohesiveness as they reassess their target.  Use that moment of indecision to hard press the second foe in a VERY Obvious and Aggressive Assault that can be easily defended against.  ALL to cover your actual tactic of drawing the third foe in toward your "Weak" side.. and when he takes the bait... DESTROY him also!  Then it will be a mostly fair fight of one on one!

If she is fast, aggressive, and cunning she can defeat them before they realize they ARE really facing a dangerous foe!

"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."

"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
- All: Sun Tsu, The Art of War

Her official ranking challenge she explicitly said "I refuse to play your sick game." And here we are, looking at 3 years imprisonment MINIMUM unless we take one of those three options to "earn" the Rank Up match and win. Even then, she's at the proprietor's mercy in getting timely matches.

Poly's analysis does have merit. Lashing someone who has a LOT of marks to death could indeed count as torturing someone to death.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 02, 2014, 05:50:41 am »
... At least there's no raping.  ::)

But indeed it seems that no one official in this prison is going to act with any forthrightness... best answer/option is to show them your not going to play fool for their sick entertainment!

AND doing exactly that is what got Bern into this mess in the first place, remember?

Eesh, three on one? That's tough even under the best conditions. So will Bern take option A or C? And who will she have to torture to death under option C?

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 27, 2014, 06:05:23 am »
All the more to add to the story, don't you think? And haven't you forgotten that there's magic everywhere? Magic is...well...magic. Anything could happen in Flipside. Besides, where's all this info you're getting about treaties and the like? Bern and Polly would be criminals in that region, yes, but who's to say they'd be wanted in other regions? Heck, they'd probably be heroes somewhere else for what they did.  :P

I haven't forgotten there's magic everywhere. That's why the Phalanx exists. Crest's home country is the only one that doesn't allow the Phalanx to patrol its territory. If Bern and Poly escape the prison, especially using violence, the country could (and probably would) petition the Phalanx for aid, and they would hunt the both of them regardless of region. If they flee to Crest's home country, the Knights would come after them, and if the Knights can't handle it, they MIGHT let the Phalanx deal with them, so no, they won't be "heroes" anywhere. Brion did post a basic diplomatic overview and the nation-states map at one point.

Point is, fleeing the country won't help much.

Okay, then, what would YOU choose? It's simply not in Bern's nature to do any of these choices given to her, based on what we know. Give me a definitive one you believe she'll take, and stick to it. If you're going to put down my position, then at least defend your option, whichever it is...  ::)

I wouldn't be in that position, as I would have not refused to participate in the ranking test. Granted, I don't have Bern's level of skill, but if I was being tested for gladiatorial combat because I confessed to ASSAULTING somebody, I sure as hell wouldn't sit back and claim "pacifist" when it came my turn to be tested. Now if I got a "D" rank despite having done my best, that would be a different story, but Bern had THREE official chances to show her stuff and threw them all away.

And it looks like she took option "B." That's really going to hurt, both physically and her fighting ability.

Ooh, and Polly's got a point. The warden never did promise that the A rank-up match would be fair, did she?

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:20:31 am »
All the more to add to the story, don't you think? And haven't you forgotten that there's magic everywhere? Magic is...well...magic. Anything could happen in Flipside. Besides, where's all this info you're getting about treaties and the like? Bern and Polly would be criminals in that region, yes, but who's to say they'd be wanted in other regions? Heck, they'd probably be heroes somewhere else for what they did.  :P

I haven't forgotten there's magic everywhere. That's why the Phalanx exists. Crest's home country is the only one that doesn't allow the Phalanx to patrol its territory. If Bern and Poly escape the prison, especially using violence, the country could (and probably would) petition the Phalanx for aid, and they would hunt the both of them regardless of region. If they flee to Crest's home country, the Knights would come after them, and if the Knights can't handle it, they MIGHT let the Phalanx deal with them, so no, they won't be "heroes" anywhere. Brion did post a basic diplomatic overview and the nation-states map at one point.

Point is, fleeing the country won't help much.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 22, 2014, 05:20:33 am »
You all seem to forget another hidden option: Escape....  ;D

And how far would either of them get?

The warden alone has shown that she's more than capable of taking on either Bern or Polly with ease single handed. She might have a bit of difficulty with both, but there's a rather large contingent of guards there as well, plus, if push really comes to shove, there's a bunch of prisoners that could easily used as cannon fodder to help take them down. Not just because they might get marks removed or moved up the mark system, but because they would ENJOY beating up a "weak and cowardly" girl who simply refused to fight in the arena.

Then there's what to do afterwards. Even if they DID manage to actually escape the prison, what then? They'd both be wanted criminals, and have the enforcers of the entire country hunting for them, and sneaking out of the border wouldn't help much as there seems to be an "international" treaty where criminals in one country are considered criminals in ALL countries, and if you think the treatment Bern's endured at the hands of Escalon's knights, and the enforcers here is bad, you haven't seen ANYTHING yet. That's just for the law enforcement. We haven't even touched on vigilantes or bounty hunters.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 20, 2014, 06:23:01 am »
"Torture and kill someone of our choosing." OUCH! And how would Bern NOT get marks for that? And since it's something that's being seen by "clients," it would be prime blackmail material too.

So far we have...

1.) Hurt yourself psychologically, and maybe physically (depending on how rough the clients like to "play.") As well as hurt your reputation, and destroy your virtue.

2.) Hurt yourself physically, and possibly cripple yourself. (We do not know if the healers would restore the eye afterwards or if she'd remain permanently half-blind.)

3.) Hurt yourself psychologically and destroy your reputation, as well as kill a defenseless individual through torture.

Bonus option: Ignore the "opportunity" and prepare to spend a good decade in jail trying to erase marks through matches at D rank.

There is simply no parallel in real world history for the barbarism on display here.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 18, 2014, 05:40:55 am »
By "inside" system, I meant the subtle, not exactly obvious or public details of the system.

For example, Polly was under the impression that inmates are "entitled" to three matches a week. This was clearly not the case. In fact, prisoners are not entitled to FOOD if the staff is sufficiently offended.

Prior to actually being a prisoner, it would be understandable that Polly, who is an honest, law-abiding citizen, would not know about the "special services" that the arena offers for those extremely wealthy, and morally dubious clients, any more than you or I would know about "special services" being offered in nearby prisons unless word of them reached the news, and even then we might not know how far the rabbit hole goes.

Sadly, looks like I was right about the "porn" thing. This is one time that I wish I wasn't.

Cutting one of your eyes out? What the heck did the supplicant hope to gain from that?

I do hope number 3 doesn't mean fighting someone to the death. It could well mean a rematch between Bern and Bloody Mary, and this time without a sorcerer to help with the "fear vomit" curse.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 16, 2014, 06:13:10 am »
The only answer I can think of as to why Poly has been so consistently caught "flat footed" is that the "insider" rules are different than what the public's common perception is. At least the change in overseers got rid of the rape. (Shudder)

Now I'm wondering what those three options are.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:09:56 am »
And we have the answer. The "catch" is PORN! Bern is going to have to "sell herself" in front of witnesses.

OH how horrid... {hidden lascivious grin}... that's soo evil! {Clattering noise of VCR and DVR being set up to record}!


No... maybe heh.. but I think it might have more to do with killing someone inconvenient who just happens to be in the penal-system with her who the 'powers that be' have asked the Warden to make sure they NEVER survive to pay off their marks... or possible even throwing a fight intentionally so the house can make a killing in the side betting on the matches!  Surely you understand gambling is not illegal here and I'm sure there is a healthy market for it here in the land of 'CASH is KING!'

I see where you're going with this, and yes, gambling does occur on the matches. Polly went and told Bern that en route. (Either that or Mr. Proprietor did.) However, that would exclude "opportunities where certain people pay to watch certain things." because the fights are public.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:28:43 am »
And we have the answer. The "catch" is PORN! Bern is going to have to "sell herself" in front of witnesses.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 10, 2014, 06:15:10 am »
Or the "evil" sorceress whose name escapes me.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:05:41 am »
Or she may have to take on Bloody Mary who has apparently killed quite a few inmates (if not also guards) already and rather LIKES the "marks" system because she keeps getting sent "free food," and she doesn't have to worry about the Phalanx coming after her.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: October 31, 2014, 10:47:21 am »
Bern sweating like a pig.

Sweat and tears.

I've done the math. At rank D, if Bern was getting three matches a week, she would need 166 weeks to pay off the remaining 498 marks.

Assuming the Flipsideverse has the same 52 weeks a year that we do, that would be three years, 10 weeks of brutal, bloody fighting three days a week.

The dungeon's 1 mark/ week would have her there for the better part of 10 years.

Now we have to see what the Warden has in mind and hope she wasn't there just to rub their faces in it.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:45:20 am »
There is also the fact that she was skilled enough to land not one but TWO perfect counter-punches on the warden before being shut down, and hard. That's worthy of a little respect, sure. The warden probably doesn't like the care-taker too.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: October 28, 2014, 05:41:35 am »
And the testing warden is actually HELPING them?

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: October 24, 2014, 09:45:14 am »
Technically she committed that violent crime to save someone, and even then committed no significant violence, only imposed the threat thereof.  But this seems to be the legally sanctioned government's punishment.  I myself would argue that this government is likely corrupt enough that it would not be immoral to ignore its laws (aka escape).

... Good luck with that plan. Even if she CAN get past all the guards, her fellow inmates, and whatever "police" might be nearby, she'd permanently be a wanted criminal, in every country, and would have a hell of a time living any kind of life because she'd never know who would turn on her, or when.

Granted, she may have been pushed beyond any human reason, but she DID break the country's one and only law and she must answer for it.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:30:54 am »
A bit late to realize that, Bern. If you had merely treated these fights as training, instead of stupidly crowning "honor before reason," you might have had a better time of it, but being a pacifist after being convicted for a crime of violence is really not going to work.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:17:25 am »
Hoo boy. In prison, weakness is something you dare not show.

Bern's in serious trouble now.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:55:45 am »
So it was a normal dream after all. Bern, it's ok. Dreams go to strange places. Even lucid dreamers don't have 100% control over where they go. Besides, it's not wrong to have those feelings, Poly's really gone out of her way for you. It's how you act on them that could be problematic.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: October 05, 2014, 01:46:55 pm »
...or is it a dream of desire and nothing more? :)

A dream, certainly. What kind of dream is at question though.

1.) A fever dream as Bern is in a healer's care after her compound fracture thanks to the arena's "tester."

2.) A magical delusion deliberately exploited by Polly.

3.) A dream fueled by desire, again exploited by Polly because Bern has neither the ability nor the option to refuse.

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