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Messages - sunphoenix

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Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 24, 2015, 05:55:53 am »
:) Cool.. I can see your point.  Yes, the morally ambiguous do 'seem' to get ahead because a person willing to do anything for their advancement or benefit will do things even OUR society would condemn as immoral and in many cases illegal.  They will survive.

But I contend, "It's not enough just to Survive, one has to be Worthy to survive!"

A Morale system of right and wrong, Justice and Punishment is what has lifted mankind, 'mostly', out of savage barbarism & anarchy and given rise to civilization.

We do not have cultures centered around human sacrifice on top of pyramids anymore do we?  Why.. because a morale compass has told us such societies do not serve the greater good of mankind as a whole. 

I contend weather one believes or disbelieves in a 'God' watching an judging from above that a morale society is a much more stable and superior society than one bereft of such.  In fact I feel that every social advancement our race has ever made is because of a strive to be a morale and justice-minded species.  There are indeed a glut of profoundly Amoral people out there who would slit your throat as soon as look at you... but society in-general makes such misanthropes outcasts at best and criminals in common.

Am I postulating some 'inherant' goodness to mankind?  Far from it!  We are constantly driven by greed for more than we need or deserve... but ... taking the religious tact, we also know what is good and evil.. and we know we should be moral beings.

We are souls.. with the spark of divinity from our divine creator, made in his image... we are NOT just animals who can talk!  We are held.. and should hold ourselves to a higher moral standard than just... me first, survive at all costs!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 23, 2015, 09:51:07 pm »
Warden makes a fair point.  The infamous bagel story:

Read the entire article.. Thank you... very interesting.

"From a certain point of view..."

I'll have to contend that the warden is Wrong, and is confusing hard work and a resilient spirit with having no moral compass~ using that justification for taking the easy route by hurting or taking advantage of others to get ahead serving your own selfish interests alone!

"Life may deal you a hand of two strikes against you off the bat.. But we are ALL responsible for OUR own actions! YOU choose if you want to make that last swing or just take the easy strike out."

"WE Decide if we are going to be good people or if we are going to be bad people. No one else 'makes' us be evil... its a choice and a struggle... Every. Damned. Day. But it is always up to us. No one else."
- me, from another web comic forum.

 I'd prefer to live my life a little more upright.. not stepping on my fellow man just to serve my own benefit.  I know its an unpopular notion to some.. but I believe in a Grand Creator.. who made mankind for a noble purpose out of simple love... and I believe he is keeping score of how we treat our, at least, 'spiritual' brother's and sisters of humanity; even if everyone else thinks and acts like... "it's me or him!"

Not a criticisim of you Stargoat, just giving my opinion... and sorry if I got too preachy.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Mistake Thread
« on: January 22, 2015, 04:39:51 am »
Also in the Comic's menu of pages... we skipped page 47 and went right to 48. :)

Pop Culture / Re: What are you currently watching?
« on: January 21, 2015, 09:34:02 pm »
For TV shows - Gotham, The Flash, Star Wars: Rebels {yeah Sabine and Hera are kinda hot}, Agent Carter {wow.. she is stacked!  Wish they'd offer playing Wonder Woman to her!}, Agents of Shield and of course... Doctor Who!

For movies - Taken 3.  Can't wait for the new Terminator Movie.. just wish they would include some of the continuity from Chronicles of Sarah Connor... all those actors did smashing jobs!  Eagerly awaiting Avengers: Age of Ultron.  The Almanac Project ...looks really interesting... wanna see that.  As visually spectacular as Interstellar was it left me feeling... "huh" at the end, a little of a let down... still a good movie.  I've heard the Cameron's - Avatar 2 is in the works.. don't care how 'formulaic' everyone criticizes the first one, I loved it!  And I hear Ridley Scott is working on Promethius 2... well.. one can hope it is better than the first.

Pop Culture / Re: What are you currently playing? [Video/computer games]
« on: January 21, 2015, 09:22:20 pm »
Star Wars: The Old Republic {MMORPG - free account},  Star Trek - Online {free account}, World of Warcraft {free account}, Champions Online {free account}, Tera: Fate of Arun, Warframe, Aion, a lot of Vindictus {very pretty game}... and some Scarlet Blade ...just for laughs!

Pop Culture / Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?!?!?! :)
« on: January 21, 2015, 09:16:56 pm »
Star Wars Legacy - Book 2 compilation, Area 51 Series: Nosferatu, and finally Star Trek - The Original Series: From History's Shadow by Dayton Ward... all good stuff! :)

Pop Culture / Re: Shin Megami Tensei
« on: January 21, 2015, 09:13:17 pm »
I've played the MMORPG... Megten by Aeria Games... before they shut down the servers.  Pretty game but weird in a intriguing way... never played any of the others... so I'm not sure how it fits with the stories or plot you know from the other games.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:37:32 pm »
GAH! You cad Brion!  New page won't show! :)

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:47:55 pm »
Polly, you are seriously F*ed up! You realize that right?

That is all.

Love can be fucked up sometimes, can't it?

No.  And ...Yes.

What Polly is doing is a ... profoundly personal self-sacrificing choice for someone she believes in and admires more than herself.  What she is doing is not blind devotion, it is deeply felt admiration for the heroic heart of someone she feels she could never be like but wishes she could. 
That speaks volumes of her own character.

It takes little courage, or strength to die for an ideal.. you don't have to face the consequences of that choice, but few are the souls with the forthrightness and resilience to live for an ideal. Because one's principles and actions must continually, day-by-day, defend and uphold that ideal... constantly questioning are you staying true... despite hardship and trail to your ideals and morals! 

It takes courage to live for a purpose, dying for a cause is easy.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 16, 2015, 03:34:14 am »
Also, sex scenes with Polly...... Hmmmmm....
Have I mentioned that I think she's one of the hottest characters in the story?

...aheh. {Blush}...yeah ...Polly is kinda hot.  Goth chicks are Demons in the Sack!  :-[

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:09:37 am »
Bern - "Wha-Why are you doing this Polly?"

Polly - "Cause do you know how expensive it would be to pay for this prison fantasy sex-bondage in a place where 'no aggressive force can be threatened to any citizen for Any reason'Hell, I'm gonna enjoy this!!"


{Creepy}... but seriously, Wow.. there is something ...not quite sane in Polly's devotion!
Her eyes are starting to lack that warm light of what we all call sanity!!

And I agree... Bern is a grown woman .. her decision's should be respected.

And I TOTALLY disagree... I'm by no means tired of this intense conversation!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:02:27 am »
I'm not trying to be rude here, but coerced sex - which this obviously is - is still rape, and it kiiiiinda seems weird to me how many people are excited to see one of the main characters get raped =/

Rest assured your not being rude!  But for the record I'll be perfectly clear... NO, I have NO desire to see one of my favorite characters raped .. nor ANY one else for that matter!  In the throws of some passionate love-making perhaps... but non-consential is a BIG no-no for me!!!

I was the first to say Bern would not even consider option "A"... but to choose it to protect a dear friend from suffering the same but perhaps worse is a noble and self-sacrificing choice.  But I do hope this does not destroy the sweet gentle lovely fiercely independent woman I like in Bernadette! :(

Keep in mind Bern can STILL choose to do none of the above.  She is only doing this to keep Polly from doing the same in her behalf... no one is forcing or coercing Bern to do this {save perhaps in a round-about way Polly}.  Polly is only trying to help her dear friend get out of years of imprisonment for being a loving loyal daughter.

There are many ways in real life to end up in similar situations ... meaning, "you do what you think at the time is the right thing", but the laws and bureaucracy of the government or at least people in power place you in a situation that is completely out of proportion to the supposed 'crime' you committed!  You just have to look at journalists, teachers and health workers in the Middle East and Africa to find similar horrific stories of the miscarriage of justice.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:14:47 pm »
...Ugh. I just have no words for how utterly depraved this has all become.

Things do seem to have taken a decided Game of Thrones bent.

Well the one unrepentant rapist in Game of Thrones.. "The 'fucking' Mountain Who Rides" ... got the 'shaft' his ASS so richly deserved!  So I don't see the comparison? 

Bern is in a way subjecting herself to the {rape} whims and desires of others for the sake of her friend... what could be any more noble or heroic?  I'm sure Sansa felt the same way when she was married off to Joffery 'The Monster'.

Plus it can't be too compaired to GoT as none of the main characters has yet been murdered at their wedding then beheaded and their body mutilated for sport!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:02:39 pm »
No tears or sobbing this time. Bern has clearly made her decision.. her choice to spare her friend a degradation and trauma she would only accept for HER sake.  HERE is that Strong determined woman I knew was inside Bern all the time!  This is not a choice out of guilt... but to protect someone dear to her... Polly.

Come on Bern do the sweet thing and give Polly a long lingering kiss for her unshaking devotion...!!!  She really deserves something to ease her heart...

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: January 03, 2015, 01:22:41 pm »
Well SEX it IS!  Bumping uglies~ all around... for everyone! {And honestly... we all seretly wanted option "A" ...even if we won't admit it in polite society! ;) }

--- I jest of course! LOLS!

But on a serious note... again.. Bern is playing into this~ "I deserve this.. this is my punishment for not being strong enough/ good enough/ better daughter/ better companion lover/ etc, etc, etc.. you name it~", mentality.

This is a development but I fear its deeper than that in that I don't think Bern has come to grips with the shame she feels for loving another woman.  I may be totally wrong about this ... but I 've always gotten the feeling Bern feels a little guilty for her attraction to Maytag.  Her thoughts of not being a proper daughter or knight etc all woundup in her heart that she has not decided to accept her feelings as 'normal' for herself~ because society seems to disapprove of such relationships or at least certain factions of society disapprove!  Maytag always takes the~ "No. I'm not playing by YOUR rules... rules are to be broken so I'll take option 'Z'... which is to say "Do whatever the fuck I want, regardless of what you think say or do!"  I'm not playing your Game.. I'm allowing you to watch me play mine!" 

Bern is too ...devoted to order and not rocking the boat to truly break free of her guilt of being a non-conformist {a lesbian} to the societal norms.  So she feels guilty and unconsciously believe she deserves to be punished for her choices.

... maybe I'm just pseudo-psychoanalyzing this too much but that seems to fit why Bern has not just said, 'Screw your rules... No! You've officially pissed me off and we're doing this MY WAY NOW!'!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 31, 2014, 07:22:12 pm »
Theory - The warden is a relative of Bern's, hoping to make her into a better warrior.

An interesting postulation... we have been told Nothing of Bern's mother, but the warden seems too young, at least to me, to be her mother.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 29, 2014, 07:16:13 pm »
Ok Bern, if you don't freaking grow a backbone and take on this challenge yourself, I'm going to be very disappointed with your weakness. Seriously, how does Polly bailing out Bern on everything help Bern's character development. She's a little kid that Polly is babysitting.

I agree at this point Bern should get down right Fucking mad about the whole situation and challenge the Warden to a duel!  Winner take fucking all!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 25, 2014, 06:05:05 am »
Boy these intermission strips remind me of the joke...
"How do you keep an idiot in suspense?
I'll tell you later..."

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 17, 2014, 12:52:58 pm »
"I'll do all three!"  Damn... now THAT'S devotion!  But, I'm Certain... Bern will NOT allow that!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 11, 2014, 12:42:13 am »
You are missing one important point...  Poor sweet-hearted Bernadette has been duped into thinking or more believing that she deserves this punishment situation she is in.  Partially that is true... but she is also dealing with a lot of psychological guilt.  In the form of ...was I a good-enough daughter '?', should I have left Marvello in the first place '?', and do I even deserve Maytag's love'?'.  That seems to me part of the psychological turmoil poor Bern is going through.

As a character I like... I hope she does not choose "A" as I think it will do more damage to her mentally - reinforcing her "I'm being punished because I deserve this~", than chosing "B".

But, the Warden has indeed reading Bernadette well... and she is feeding her internal feelings of self guilt... I believe with Polly's revelation about option "B", she is ... expecting Bern to choose "A".  She was not going to mention... the facts about option "B"... but when Polly brought it up.. it changed the dynamic of Bern's choices.

I'm still not certain of the Warden's motivations... we'll have to see.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:40:23 pm »
I have a feeling that she's probably going to go with option A though.

How Terrible! {YES!!!} was that my outside voice?

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 08, 2014, 11:51:05 am »
Been lurking all day waiting for that update, but I didn't think Bern would choose Option C.  She agreed to option B... will she "see" it through?

Or is the writer going to stun us with an option "A" choice... ahem.. there are 28 more pages in this chapter!  :-[  { my tone a little too eagar perhaps? lols!}

ElfQuest's, bloodthirsty, passionate Go-Back leader, Khavi, wouldn't bat an eye at the choice!

"Alright! Who I do I have to fuck to get a decent fight out of around here? And is ole' Whitehair Cutter involved? heh, I like a little 'roll in the furs' ...spiced with the taste of Blood!!"

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 08, 2014, 06:58:55 am »
Boy!  I'm kinda at a loss here!  I got no idea what Bern will choose...!  I mean the obvious choices are... now so discussed in the actual comic between Bern, Polly and the Warden that... they almost seem too obvious! 

What if Bern chooses something completely unexpected?  It "seems" as if that is what our writer might be hinting at! 

I'm really not sure what Bern will choose!

The one option most have summarily dismissed is Option A, for clearly obvious reasons... but one has to wonder... just what does the Warden have in mind?

All of them have a catch... I'm sure of some sort.

"Would you prefer... to have your eye cut out to then be put into an unfair fight with three opponents, or torture and murder someone at random then fight that unfair fight with three opponents Both INSTEAD of having sex with a group of random strangers~ then fight that unfair fight with three opponents?"

A real "Hobson's Choice"... depending upon your personal ethics, dignity and honor!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 06, 2014, 03:41:43 am »
Is there something a little... manic or just a tad too eager in Polly's eyes?

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:46:06 am »
Hmmm... Polly has a point. 

And to the writer whose story I'm personally enjoying... please don't feel required to pander to all the criticism of forum posters.  I was perfectly find with the story as Polly not being familiar with the inner workings of the Marvollo's penal system. 

Even modern police officers know what our penal system "should" be like... but that sometimes is hardly the reality!

Polly's unfamiliarity is perfectly plausible at least to me.

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 03, 2014, 02:18:50 pm »
Good ole' Polly is SO hardcore! lol! She makes me hot! :)

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: December 02, 2014, 06:19:04 am »
AND doing exactly that is what got Bern into this mess in the first place, remember?

Eh.. that's not really in the same context.  And no it was acting to save her father's life that got her into this situation.  Weather she chooses one of their options or refuses them does not change her state from its current predicament.

However, three on one... could be tough but her 'obvious' handicap of one eye could also be turned to an advantage by a willy warrior. 

You know your opponents will see your side without sight as a opening.  Well~ use that to lure them into coming at you where you are paying the most attention feinting inattentiveness to draw them in and strike at their lowered defenses!  It will be hard.. but a very skillful and cunning warrior will find ways to capitalize on the obvious...

That coupled with some unexpected aggressiveness she could down one opponent before her foes realize she has been sandbagging all this time!  Remember they ALL think she is weak and timid! 

I would Focus on one foe immediately.. {preferrably the one most confident opponent} and striking that one down with unexpected ferocity will surprise them and hopefully stymie the remaining two's cohesiveness as they reassess their target.  Use that moment of indecision to hard press the second foe in a VERY Obvious and Aggressive Assault that can be easily defended against.  ALL to cover your actual tactic of drawing the third foe in toward your "Weak" side.. and when he takes the bait... DESTROY him also!  Then it will be a mostly fair fight of one on one!

If she is fast, aggressive, and cunning she can defeat them before they realize they ARE really facing a dangerous foe!

"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."

"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
- All: Sun Tsu, The Art of War

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 29, 2014, 09:42:38 pm »
... At least there's no raping.  ::)

But indeed it seems that no one official in this prison is going to act with any forthrightness... best answer/option is to show them your not going to play fool for their sick entertainment!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 24, 2014, 12:19:20 pm »
Okay, then, what would YOU choose?

I know its not pointed at me... but it would be irrelevant for me to choose.. I would not be in this situation.  I would have fought good and hard to get out as quickly as possible.. being as merciful as I could but more interested in getting out than making a pointless moral show of false pacifism.

I'm a warrior... I don't like to fight and I despise pointless killing, but if I was ready to draw steel to save my father's life.. you can bet damn well I'd be willing to stand by that decision to the bitter or distasteful end!

Flipside Discussion / Re: Chapter 42: Discussion
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:36:52 am »
Huh.  Well... I hate to admit it.. but I can actually see the Warden's point, somewhat.  It does not legitimize these barbarous sick choices in anyway~ but I get what's she's getting at.

Though this is a rather extreme school of tough love... I do not agree with, but I at least understand her point she is making.

Option A.  Rape or perhaps submitting to an assault upon your body in a most intimate and personal way is a trauma.. many do not recover from.  But there are many male and female survivors of sexual assault that carry on, survive and do not let the terrible crime destroy the person inside that is them.  That is not to say those who cannot just 'carry on' are inferior or wrong or weak... every person is different and NO ONE should have to endure such a terrible traumatic experience.  But those who do steele their hearts to not let that event ruin the person that is them... that does denote a strong spirit that is not daunted by tempest or trail.

Option B.  There are many who would shrink back from any physical harm.  The fear of pain is a motivator that can make the strongest person endure a untenable situation to avoid physical harm.  But a willingness to harm/main oneself denotes a spirit that is not quailed by the spectre of raw pain.  A spirit that is not invested in their physical body, willing to accept pain understanding the ones body is not who they are, but the heart ans spirit inside are not changed by the how battered the package containing them is... That is a strong spirit!  That is what makes true love still passionate though age may bend the body and wrinkle skin... it is the heart and spirit of the person within that inspired the love to begin with ... and it never wavers or dims.

Option C.  To inflict torment and death on another at the command or whim of others to some is no trail at all.  But to the kind-hearted, to the noble of spirit, to a heart that is filled with devotion for justice.. such a deed is perhaps the worse of all to have to endure!  For it is not the superficial damage of physical scars, nor is it the trauma of the sexual assault inflicted upon your person NOT of your control or YOUR fault... but actually wickedness and cruelty inflicted consciously by your own hand upon another!  I... personally could not imagine a WORSE or more traumatic deed than to be forced to inflict suffering and eventual death upon another for no other reason than the sick cruel amusement of others.  It would take a VERY strong spirit to endure such a traumatic trail and not come out unchanged forever!

No, these trials, these choices were Very specific.. which I now see the Warden has taken a 'personal' hand in arranging!  But what her motivations for doing so are still nebulous?   

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