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Messages - starfyredragon

Pages: [1]
Flipside Discussion / Re: Intermission 30: Special Voting Thread!
« on: February 20, 2015, 10:50:52 pm »
0.75 of my vote goes to Maytag (Dark Cell Storyarc)

0.25 of my vote goes to Crest (Suspiria Storyarc)

If it's one vote "total", I would like to make the following adjustment...
Idea of watching comic go to some lame tournament-style story arch: -1,000,000. If I wanted something like that, I'd just watch DBZ or Yugioh.
Watching some super-powerful individual avoid detection by authorities while trying to root out truth... Well, Suspira is more BA than old man Batman pretends to be... net neutral.
Seeing a character who drew me to the comic with her interesting psychology, who's the main character, tackling an unknown with a serious of trials that make readers wonder about their own psychology that that reveals deeper meaning in ourselves, the characters, and in the lore of the world.... +1,000,000

In other suggestions... if we do get stuck on Bernadette's lousy story arc, she's tired and against 3 pros, one who's stronger, and the warden (who sets up these fights for a living) said she doesn't have a chance and will likely die. If she doesn't die in the first few second, I'll be fairly disappointed in the realism of the comic. And if she does die... well, Bernadette's been reliably my least favorite character. She's about as complex and deep a five year old with six duplo bricks. Sure, she's "angsty", but she's not "deep." (Boggles me how people can confuse the two things when they're so different.)

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