DND Comic - Strip 5 - To Catch A Thief #4
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The first adventure of the campaign starts with the party entering a forrest in
search of the thief. Actually, I can't seem to remember the name of the thief...
I think it was Simon Barstow, but I could be wrong. Also, the tower in the
background is supposed to be at the center of the world, and the adventurers
are told to take note of it. It'll be important later.

One of Shard's special abilities at the beginning of the campaign was called
"Sense deadly intent." It was supposed to be an automatic ability that allowed
her to always know when enemies were nearby, but I kept forgetting that she
had that ability so it was modified later.

* * *

This comic is based upon our actual DND campaign.
These are the players: Jennifer, Tetsuya, Heather, Phil, Caleb, and Christie.
Some of those people come into the campaign later, as you'll see. If you'd like to read
more about our silly DND campaign, here is a post from the forum which gives a few
more details.

Lately, we've been livestreaming our DND games.
You can watch video of some of our games here.